Nouns (Number)
Nouns can be singular or plural
Singular Number denotes one person or thing.
Examples : ant, boy, apple, glass, etc
Plural Number denotes more than one person or thing.
Examples : ants, boys, apples, glasses, etc.
Countable Nouns
Nouns that name the things we can count are called countable nouns.
Examples : one boy, four boys.
Uncountable Nouns
Nouns that name the things that cannot be counted are called uncountable nouns.
Examples : milk, sugar, coffee, etc.
Making Plurals
- We add -s to many nouns to make them plural.
Singular Plural boy boys book books cow cows dog dogs door doors egg eggs friend friends tree trees map maps rat rats train trains tiger tigers kite kites umbrella umbrellas - When the noun ends with -s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, we add -es to the singular form to make the plural.
Singular Plural ass asses church churches batch batches box boxes bus buses bush bushes watch watches tax taxes fox foxes glass glasses branch branches peach peaches brush brushes torch torches - When the noun ends in -y and there is a consonnt before it, we change -y into -i and add -es.
Singular Plural jelly jellies lady ladies party parties city cities pony ponies puppy puppies spy spies fairy fairies family families berry berries body bodies cherry cherries baby babies diary diaries deity deities story stories library libraries fly flies - When the noun ends with -y with a vowel before it, we add -s at the end to make the plural.
Singular Plural hankey hankeys trolley trolleys turkey turkeys valley valleys storey storeys toy toys tray trays airway airways donkey donkeys key keys monkey monkeys ray rays bay bays boy boys - When the noun ends with -f or -fe, we change -f or -fe into -v and add -es at the end to make the plural.
Singular Plural shelf shelves thief thieves wife wives wolf wolves half halves knife knives leaf leaves loaf loaves - When the noun ends with -f, we only add -s to make the plural in some cases.
Singular Plural roof roofs proof proofs chief chiefs cliff cliffs - When the noun ends with -f we can also form the plural by adding -s at the end or by changing -f to -v and adding -es at the end.
Singular Plural scarf scarfs/scarves wharf wharfs/wharves dwarf dwarfs/dwarves hoof hoofs/hooves - When the noun ends with -o, we add -es at the end to make the plural.
Singular Plural volcano volcanoes tornado tornadoes mosquito mosquitoes potato potatoes tomato tomatoes hero heroes mango mangoes buffalo buffaloes cargo cargoes echo echoes - Sometimes when the noun ends with -o, we form the plural by adding only -s at the end.
Singular Plural kimono kimonos piano pianos photo photos rhino rhinos bamboo bamboos cuckoo cuckoos dynamo dynamos hippo hippos kangaroo kangaroos zoo zoos - We make many plurals by changing the vowels.
Singular Plural mouse mice tooth teeth woman women goose geese louse lice man men - Some nouns have same singular and plural forms.
Singular Plural salmon salmon sheep sheep shellfish shellfish fish fish reindeer reindeer deer deer - Some nouns have no singular form.
slippers, boots, shorts, jeans, pants, stockings, trousers, pyjamas, goggles, spectacles, scissors, gloves, binoculars, shoes, sandals, tongs - Given below are plural forms of compound nouns :
Singular Plural commander-in-chief commanders-in-chief step-mother step-mothers washerman washermen father-in-law fathers-in-law passer-by passers-by son-in-law sons-in-law brother-in-law brothers-in-law
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